Category: Racism

Identity of Freedom

Being a nation of immigrants and newcomers from all, even the most remote, corners of the globe, the United States of America has become a…

Race and Ethnicity

Race and ethnicity are aspects that have dominated world debates for a long time. Race and ethnicity reflect diversity. Thus, the two aspects should ideally…

Racial and Gender Discrimination

In the Past A. Gender Discrimination in the US before 1877 – Male’s Dominance in Workforce and Rights Traditionally, the Western society is considered to…

Race and Commercial Organizations

The globalization of the economy, namely its transformation into a single interconnected system, is a characteristic of the beginning of the XXI century. Inline, the…

Asian American racial issues in the “Quiet Odyssey: A Pioneer Korean Woman in America”

The book “Quiet Odyssey a Pioneer Korean Woman in America”, based on real life events of a Korean immigrant Mary Paik Lee, tells a story…

The Race Talk

Racial issues cause great discussion in the USA. I was asked to interview a person about The race talk podcast (Steele, 2012). I asked my Latino neighbor…

Hidden Racism

Although the USA is a democratic and liberal society, non-white people still experience some discrimination and inequality. In the majority of cases, people of diverse…

Environmental Racism Issues in India

Introduction Environmental racism is the differentiation among lower and higher income classes and races of societies by offering them different treatment (morally), opportunities, and facilities…

Different Contexts of Racism Essay Example

Racism is an aspect which roots date decades and centuries ago. The scramble and partition of ‘inferior’ countries by the ‘superior’ ones was the first…

The Speech Regulation Dilemma in On Racist Speech

To start with, it is significant to accurately understand what is meant by the term “racist speech”. Racist or hate speech is the speech that…